Jordy Kerwick, Untitled 2023

Jordy Kerwick, Untitled 2023

Jordy Kerwick untitled, 2023

Jordy Kerwick, Looking For Sunshine 16  oil on canvas, 140 x 160 cm, available

Jordy Kerwick, Looking For Sunshine 16
oil on canvas, 140 x 160 cm, available

Jordy Kerwick, Fleur Et Flechette Et oil on canvas, 50 x 60 cm, available

Jordy Kerwick, Fleur Et Flechette Et
oil on canvas, 50 x 60 cm, available

Jordy Kerwick flowers

Jordy Kerwick, Untitled Flowers
36 x 46 cm, oil on canvas, available

Jordy Kerwick, untittiled
Oil on canvas, 60 x 75 cm, available


Born 1982, Melbourne, Australia
Kerwick lives and works between Melbourne, Australia and France

Jordy balances memory and nostalgia with iconic imagery that illicilts the Cobra Kai, rock band, fast car world of the boys imagination.

Kerwick was signed to Lindberg in 2017 and has held two major exhibitions with the gallery.

Recently Kerwick has moved into the artworlds most desired list, creating a previously unseen demand for an Australian artists work.

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